A negative review of the DualSense

4 min readNov 29, 2020


The new PS5 controller has received much praise from reviewers and news outlets, and is considered the biggest differentiating factor between the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X|S. Having used it for a week though, I need to focus on some of its most annoying aspects.

Sharp corners

My main gripe is with the bottom of the controller’s handles. They are much sharper then the Dualshock 4 ones, which were perfectly round, and as a result, they often dig into my pinky finger. Also, aesthetically they don’t make much sense, but that’s a subjective option, as opposed to the very subjective discomfort if I don’t adjust my grip in order to avoid that corner.

Used professional editing tools like MS Paint to convey my thoughts and feelings about this particular corner

There is a lip

I originally thought there was something wrong with my controller, but I confirmed it with some other DualSense owners: The white and black parts of the controller don’t fit together extremely well, and it’s noticeable in your hands. The worst offender is at the bottom of the controller, near the headphone jack, where there is a very unpleasant “lip” that juts out from the black part, almost scratching the fingers:

I can’t help but think of Apple and how they bragged about “the cover glass extending beyond the top surface to seamlessly join the aluminium unibody” (31:49 here, and in some other occasions) and I just wish Sony had given the controller that necessary care.

The D-Pad is mushy

Well, there’s not much more to say about it, and some reviewers have already mentioned it. It’s much less clicky than the DS4 one, but thankfully it’s not too bad. Still, I’d love to see it improved.

It gets dirty just by looking at it

We’ve all seen the textured finish with the Playstation symbols etched into the back side of the controller, right? (Click the full photo to open it in full size, just in case you haven’t!)

What you haven’t seen is how much care it takes to keep that part clean and spotless. I never eat when using my controller, and I have also started to wash my hands before touching it because of how easy it is to get it dirty, but there STILL are some dirty spots despite my best efforts. It’s a bummer really, because I like the white colour, but it gets dirty just SO. RIDICULOUSLY. EASILY. Plus those engraved symbols make it super difficult to clean it up. Very frustrating, and I now can’t wait for a black version of the DualSense.

Personal opinion, but I don’t love the shape

I left this for last, as it is super subjective, and it might have been that I’ve been using the DS4 for so long, but it’s been 10 days since I got my PS5 and I still prefer the old controller as opposed to the DualSense. The DualSense is heavier, and its curves, shapes and contours remind me of the Xbox controller which I never liked. Look at the main article photo again, and notice how the radius between the base and the top of the controller is much larger than the radius of the DS4, which makes my hands feel more uncomfortable. I still may get used to it, but for the time being, when given the option, I still choose the DS4 every time.


The DualSense might have wowed most people with its tricks and features, and I for the most part agree with them. It’s definitely not a 10/10 as the they would have you believe, and I think down the line, Sony needs to improve upon the controller’s design, specifically for the sharp edges at the grips, and the fit between the various parts of the controller.

Have you used one? Have you noticed any of the above? Do you agree or disagree with my assessment? Leave your comments!

